Guaranteed Analysis

Total Nitrogen (N): 12.0%

Total Sulfur (S): 26.0%




Pro-Sul is the original nitrogen-sulfur plant nutrient solution instrumental in unlocking the full potential of your fertility program. Pro-Sul is a clear liquid containing 12% N and 26%  S and is the most popular S-containing product used in the fluid fertilizer industry. Pro-Sul is compatible with N solutions and complete (N-P-K) liquid blends that are neutral to slightly acidic. In addition to its wide adaptability for use in clear liquid blends, it is also well suited for use in suspensions.

Pro-Sul aids in increasing crop yields and stretching fertilizer dollars by improving the Nitrogen-Sulfur balance and helps in maintaining necessary sulfur levels in sulfur deficient soils. Pro-Sul helps solubilize other nutrients in the soil like phosphorus and micronutrients such as zinc, manganese, iron, and cropper for better plant utilization.

Pro-Sul contains nitrogen in the ammoniacal form and sulfur as thiosulfate. Thiosulfate sulfur is unique in that it exists in two oxidation states. This gives it enhanced pathways of availability more suitable to the sulfur uptake patterns of most plants. When applied to soils, Pro-Sul immediately begins to oxidize to sulfate-sulfur. Within 1 to 3 weeks, depending on soil temperature, soil type, and rate of application, most of the thiosulfate sulfur converts to sulfate-sulfur.